Chain Stitch (ch)

The chain stitch provides a base from which to begin your crochet pattern.

1. Yarn is attached to crochet hook with a slip knot. Pass the hook under the yarn so that hook catches the yarn as it lies across the top of hook; in crochet terminology – “yarn over hook” (yo).

2. Draw the yarn through the loop on hook to complete one chain stitch. (The first chain stitch is drawn through the loop made by the slip knot; the slip knot slips off hook as the stitch is completed, and another loop is automatically formed on hook. The next chain stitch is pulled through this loop, etc.)

3. To continue chain, repeat above – place yarn over hook, catch it with the hook and pull it through the loop already on hook, slipping this loop off and simultaneously forming another. To prevent twisting of chain, keep your thumb and forefinger near your current stitch.

Source: Christmas Time Crochet, Craft Publications Volume 7317