How to Crochet


Crocheting is easy when you follow the step by step instructions and/or crochet along with video tutorials. Learn, one by one, the  beginner’s crochet stitches. Once you get a good foundation of the basics, crocheting other, more in depth stitches will be a breeze.

Crochet Hook Conversion Chart

Slip Knot: The slip knot is always the beginning step of crochet, in order to put a loop on your crochet hook.

Chain Stitch: The chain stitch provides a base from which to begin your crochet pattern.

Slip Stitch: To form a chain into a ring, the ends of the chain are joined with a slip stitch. The slip stitch can also be used to “edge” a row without adding height.

Single Crochet: This is the most basic of the crochet pattern stitches.

Double Crochet: The double crochet stitch is also a very common stitch; it is twice the height of the single crochet.

Half Double Crochet: You will eliminate one step of the double crochet to make this stitch.

Short Double Crochet: Another name for half double crochet.

Treble Crochet: The treble crochet results in a looser pattern because it is taller. Also known as Triple Crochet.


SPECIAL Crochet Stitches

Following are various crochet stitches to learn that are often found in the crochet patterns you want to try.