Treble Crochet (tr)

*Also known as Triple Crochet (trc)*

1. Make a chain of desired length, unless you are working the treble in a current row.

2. Place yarn over the hook twice before inserting hook, into 5th chain from hook (not counting the loop on hook).


3. Place yarn over hook again and draw yarn through on loop. There are now 3 loops on hook.

4. Place yarn over hook and draw yarn through 2 of the loops on hook. There are now 2 loops on hook.

5. Place yarn over hook and draw yarn through both loops on hook, completing one treble crochet.

6. To continue row, place yarn over hook twice, insert hook into next chain and continue treble crochet steps above.

7. For another row, at end of first row chain 4 and turn work. This ch 4 counts as the first triple crochet of next row, so begin treble crochet stitches in 2nd stitch of previous row. To keep work even, work last triple crochet of the row in the 4th chain of turning ch 4 at end of previous row.


Source: Christmas Time Crochet, Craft Publications Volume 7317